Thursday, May 24, 2012

Attitude and Aptitude

By definition, your attitude represents your likes, dislikes, positive or negative views, judgments or degree of preference for something. Most attitudes are developed through personal experience or observation.

Your aptitude on the other hand is an innate or inbuilt component of your individual competency, which means that you will be competent doing the job that you have an aptitude for.

Keeping these two definitions in mind, you must evaluate your attitudes and aptitudes before embarking upon a career. In other words, you must know yourself well before taking all important decisions of your life.

A simple self-assessment can help you determine your attitudes and aptitudes. Just ask yourself, "What are my talents, skills and abilities? What kind of attitude do I have towards certain professions and life in general? What do I enjoy studying? What do I enjoy doing? If time and money were of no consequence, what would I love doing? What is it that my heart desires the most?" Write down the answers and dwell upon them. Make your career choice based upon your inherent strengths and passions.

Remember that life is a series of choices. At any given moment you are faced with two or more than two choices. You choose one of them, usually the one dictated by your external world, and move ahead. Your choice reflects what you believe is possible for you. Yet there are times when you wonder, 'what if I had chosen the other option?' If you are choosing a wardrobe or a diet plan, it is easy to retrace your steps, but if you are choosing a course of study, career or marriage, retracing the steps becomes slightly more difficult. Life doesn't roll back for you to experience the other path, so your choices must originate in your aptitudes and attitudes.

Since each one of us is unique our aptitudes are also unique. They are placed inside us for some reason and that reason is evolution and growth. When we don't have an aptitude for something, it is an indication that the task is not suited for us, similarly when we like to do something; it is proof enough that we are well equipped to do that job efficiently. When an aptitude is given to us, the mechanism for its fulfillment is also provided. All we need to do is apply our attitude in an optimum, positive and efficient manner.

Our aptitudes and desires are signs from the universe urging us to move in a particular direction. If we were to analyze every passionate desire that we have we would realize that its purpose is always to enhance us. Pursuing a career without correct attitude and required aptitude doesn't take us very far because it does not involve the heart and doesn't ignite our passion. 

When we are involved in something we have an aptitude for, we automatically give our all to it. We devote all our energies to the task we love; and lend more power to the result of our actions by thoroughly enjoying our self.

For example most mothers have an aptitude for cooking and they cook with love, especially when they are cooking for their children. No wonder most of us remember our mother's cooking. Similarly, when we do something we have an aptitude for, and do it with love and attention it shows in the result.

The best way to get aligned with a positive attitude and personal aptitude is by doing something that brings you pleasure, something that is fun, something that you may call your hobby or interest, something that relieves you from the pressure to perform, something you can indulge in purely for self-fulfillment and feel good factor.

When you pursue a career which is in alignment with your attitudes and aptitudes, you become more productive; doing your best and bringing out the best in others as well. On the other hand, when you do things you are not really passionate about; you procrastinate, get distracted, resist, and struggle. Your internal guidance system starts saying, "Not needed. Not now."

When you start listening to your heart rather than following the dictates of the external world, your life will become much easier, and definitely much more fun. So don't let anyone stop you from following your heart. Don't let your passions remain buried under self-doubt.

Let your aptitudes and attitudes determine your true calling. If you are not too sure about your calling, try doing different things until you are certain. Trying out different things is not a waste of time as no time is ever wasted, no experience is ever in vain, and no life is ever useless. Each step you take will logically lead you to the next step, as long as you keep lifting the other foot to stay in momentum.

As you confidently take one step after the next, floodgates of universal support will open up for you. Your aptitudes and attitudes will put you in alignment with your life's purpose. However long it may take, however many failures it may encompass, eventually you will get there. So, get going and conquer the world…………………..

Chitra Jha
Holistic Healer
Spiritual Mentor
Parenting Educator
Self-Transformation Coach



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Monday, May 21, 2012

Are you Open-minded?

In this day and age of information overdose, whether we agree or disagree with something; we must at least remain open-minded about it. An open-minded person neither rejects an idea outright, nor pays undue attention to its source as he knows that great ideas can come from just about anywhere. He always gives it a patient hearing.


Sometimes in our closed ways we tend to reject an idea if it comes from a person we don't like, or we think is not competent enough. But it is worth considering the fact that ideas have nothing to do with personalities. It is an entity by itself.


Sometimes we automatically reject a new idea as a reactionary response. Ideas that do not fit in with our pre-conceived notions are usually rejected outright.


Another reason for not accepting new ideas is the fear of making mistakes. This fear makes us stick with the tried and the tested. And no matter what, we refuse to take any chances in life. Unless we stop worrying about making mistakes, we cannot really become open-minded.


To be completely open-minded we need to look at each idea from different angles. We need to realize that ideas which worked perfectly well until yesterday may not work today or tomorrow. Constant monitoring of various events in our lives makes us sensitive to new ideas, and keeps us away from doing only those things that have worked earlier.


Open-minded people treat life as a celebration of learning and growth; healing and transformation. This energy of celebration helps them welcome the new with open arms.

On the other hand those who feel unhappy and stuck find it difficult to try anything new.


If you look at the present economic scenario and ask people if there is anyone who is thriving right now, even in this recessionary period, the answer will invariably be, 'Yes, there are always some people who do well, irrespective of the economic environment. Similarly, there are always some people who do badly even in boom times.'


What differentiates these two sets of people? What is the secret of successful people?


Besides many other things, being open-minded definitely figures as one of the ingredients of success. Successful people are always open to new ideas and this openness makes them more creative. Those who rise above their narrow prejudices, always end up doing the right thing.


If you are clear about your passion and serious about achieving success; you have no choice but to become 'open-minded'. Welcome to the club!!!

Chitra Jha
Holistic Healer
Spiritual Mentor
Parenting Educator
Self-Transformation Coach



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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sharing a proud moment

Chitra Jha
Holistic Healer
Spiritual Mentor
Parenting Educator
Self-Transformation Coach



Chitra Jha
Holistic Healer
Spiritual Mentor
Parenting Educator
Self-Transformation Coach



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Friday, May 18, 2012

Power of Beliefs

Have you noticed that we experience recurring patterns in our life? A person with money problem has recurring money problems while a person with relationship issue has recurring relationship problems. It's as though each person specializes in a disorder. Beliefs, unconscious or not, create these recurring events. They keep us in a box of our programming and conditioning. In childhood our parents and teachers programmed it; in adulthood we continue to maintain it. Thinking outside this box can change our life story.

We have two kinds of beliefs; implicit and explicit. Explicit beliefs are part of our conscious awareness, but implicit beliefs lie deep inside the subconscious. Whatever we do repeatedly becomes a part of our implicit and automatic behavior. These automatic behaviors and habits create our life. In other words, our life shows a mirror to our implicit beliefs.


Creating our reality is simple because whatever we believe becomes our reality. In other words, we see what we believe. This principle explains the placebo effect. A placebo is a sham pill which does not contain any active medicinal ingredient. In controlled experiments, doctors administer these tablets to patients, telling them that this medicine will improve their condition. People taking placebo get better because they believe that the pill will make them better. In many cases placeboes have actually helped people with serious illnesses. This proves the power of beliefs.

If you wish to change your life, just use the power of beliefs. Go to the root cause of all your implicit beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Here is how you can do that:-


·         Write down all your prevailing thoughts about money, job, success, abundance, happiness etc on a sheet of paper. These thoughts come from your deep beliefs.

·         On a separate sheet, write down all that you have achieved in your life so far. Cover all areas of your life: your home, your relationships, your financial situation, your job, your career etc. All this is the result of your deep seated beliefs.

·         Put the two lists together and find the relation between the two. If you do it sincerely, you will see a pattern. You will see how your beliefs have influenced your life.

·         Examine these beliefs, one by one, by taking a good look at them.

·         Are these your own beliefs or your family's? How many of these beliefs come from your own experience? How many of them have been handed down to you?

·         Evaluate your beliefs from time to time to determine if they are empowering you or limiting you.

·         Decide whether to keep a belief, alter it or get rid of it. 

·         Ask yourself, "Have my beliefs helped me become what I wanted to become? Are they taking me to the life I desire?"

·         If your answer is 'no', it is time to drop these beliefs.


Chitra Jha
Holistic Healer
Spiritual Mentor
Parenting Educator
Self-Transformation Coach



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