Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Take Back Your Power

Who have you given away your power to? Why do you feel so helpless in life? Well, as I see things, most of us have given away our power to ‘other people’. These ‘others’ come in many guise; they may be our family members, our teachers, our peers, our superiors, or our media. Why do we give away our power to them? We do that because we want to be accepted. We want to please people, in order to please ourselves. Our actions stem from our lack of confidence in our own abilities. We do not trust our own opinions.

There are a great many people (the majority) out there who willingly accept the thoughts and edicts of others. They don’t question anything that they are told. It is astounding but understandable considering the kind of premium our society places on ‘obeying and valuing’ the ‘experts’ opinion’. Since our birth we are being trained to delegate our thinking and just ‘obey’ the elders for they know what is ‘best’ for us. Thus we learn to give away our ‘power’ to others from our ‘cradle’ days, and we dutifully keep doing it until we are put into our ‘graves’.

Everyone around you (including you) considers you incapable of forming an opinion. Otherwise why would they show a news item on TV and then call in ‘the experts’ to express their opinion on it. Whether you like it or not, everyone (especially the advertising world) is out there to brain wash you. Why? Because you ‘gave’ your power to them. When did you do it? You did it when you stopped trusting your own ‘instincts’. You did it when you started following ‘the trend’; doing things because they are ‘done’ (everyone is doing them).

You do everything ‘blindly’. You allow the market trends to decide what course of study you should pursue; your own ‘interest’ in a subject is of no consequence. You allow doctors to pump medicines into your body, without questioning any of it; your body’s wisdom doesn’t count! Soliciting outside advice and help is one thing but blindly accepting other people’s thoughts and beliefs without any discernment on your part is equal to sacrilege. It violates your responsibility to yourself. There is an old saying, “The undiscerning mind is like the roots of a tree, they absorb equally all that they touch, even the poison that would kill the tree.”

Blind acceptance of existing norms is like volunteering to drink poison. You do not need to blindly accept all that your parents, siblings, teachers, political leaders, media commentators, friends or co-workers have been drilling into you. You must decide everything for yourself. Of course, you must seek people’s opinions but the final responsibility for your life lies upon you. You are the master of your own destiny. You must believe in yourself, your dreams, and your thoughts.

To take back your power in your own hands, you must become aware of your thinking process. You will ‘discover’ that most of the thoughts that you habitually think are not your own. You may also discover that most of your thoughts make you fearful of your future. Once you understand that your thoughts create your reality; it will do you great good to immediately change your fearful thoughts into ‘empowering’ ones. Every thought that you think creates your ‘world’. Become the ‘architect’ of your world. You have not taken birth as a human being in order to become a ‘robot’. You need not follow the trend, just to fit in. You need not always play it safe. You need not operate from a ‘default’ setting.

You must tap into your inner self for guidance on a daily basis and express the wisdom from within. Within you lies the most authentic source of wisdom! Ask for this wisdom, listen to it and accept its guidance. Learn to interpret the ‘voice’ of your inner self and take inspired action to express your true self.

Well, your so called ‘well-wishers’ may tell you that it is ‘egotistical’ to rely on your own thoughts. They will say that you are not yet ‘ready’ to do so. Listen to them; if you will, but once you learn to take back your power in your own hands, you will finally ‘know’ your true ‘worth’!!

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The Heart Sings and the Eyes Shine

Think of the times when your heart sings and eyes shine? What makes that happen? What are you doing at those times? Think of all that comes to your mind and write it down. This is a very important list for you. Read it first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Read it whenever you feel low, under-confident or inadequate. Add more to it when you are truly joyful.

When you appreciate your life, you get ready for more exciting times, and your life unfolds in better ways. As you remember those things which make your heart sing and eyes light up, you call forth more of such experiences into your life.

Here is a list of what makes my heart sing and my eyes light up………

When I spread the message of self empowerment
When I talk to small children and smile at them
When I sing
When I am in nature
When I talk about my work
When I do some creative work
When I receive appreciation
When people seek me out for advice
When I receive money for my work
When I give money out of love
When I give of myself
When I buy some beautiful piece of clothing or a pretty trinket
When I look beautiful
When I laugh
When I am with my soul family

This is my story……….what is yours!!!

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Taking Risks

We are told that ‘risk taking’ is a leadership trait which is essential for achieving success in life; but when we propose to do something new and creative we are usually discouraged to move forward as it involves taking risks. Isn’t it paradoxical? Why do we fear risks?

What do you think people, including their parents, must have told Wright brothers, Orville and Wilber, when they talked about flying heavier -than -air machines? Some would have laughed at them, others might have jeered. Their father, Pastor Wright must have said, “If God wanted men to fly like birds, He would have given them wings!!” His parish must have sympathized with the Pastor for siring two gullible boys, who were palmed off a risky hoax by some smart alec.

What do you think must have transpired when someone proposed a harebrained idea of ‘talking’ pictures? How outlandish must a landing on moon and people walking on its surface must have seemed? People, giving voice to such ‘ridiculous’ ideas, must have been berated, time and again, by their fellow brethren!

But the fact remains that all such so-called ‘crazy’ people with ‘silly’ ideas who dared to move beyond time-tested concepts and took risks are today known as geniuses, revolutionaries, pioneers, visionaries and heroes. They earned enough fame, name and wealth because they took the risk of questioning others and themselves. They dared to challenge all those limitations which the rest of the people took for-granted.

There is something in everyone’s life experience; whether professional, business or personal, which can be implemented in a better, more efficient and more productive manner. What distinguishes a genius from an ordinary person is the ability to spot that opportunity and take it forward. It may take much more time than you first thought; it may cost much more than you initially estimated, and it may strain all your resources more than you envisioned; but once you decide to take a calculated risk and undertake something ambitious, the costs and resources are well worth it.

You may make false starts. You may face some embarrassments. You may make costly errors. But the potential outcome of your endeavors could be as brilliant and outrageous as flying in the air and walking on the moon.

There are many frontiers left to be conquered. There are many challenges left to be overcome. There are many achievements left to be claimed. But the problem is that there aren’t enough risk-takers, explorers and inventors amongst us. There aren’t enough inquisitive people who ask the right and most obvious questions. There aren’t enough self-assured mavericks who challenge the conventional wisdom. There aren’t enough geniuses who are willing to do things which may initially make them look stupid.

Ask yourself, “Do I have a dream in my heart? Am I willing to make mistakes while pursuing my dream? Am I willing to take the requisite risks?”

Your affirmative answer might just change our world!!!!!

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