Friday, September 11, 2009

How to motivate yourself?

Everyone knows that motivation generates success, but most of us look at factors outside of ourselves to motivate us. Can others motivate us? The answer is unequivocally ‘NO’. Others can create conditions to motivate us but that’s all they can do. Motivation always comes from within. What if we could truly be our own motivators! Would you like to learn this art of motivating yourself?
We often talk about motivation, we discuss motivation, we read about it, and we learn motivation theories. We do get motivated as well, but this motivation doesn’t last for long. What can we do to stay motivated all the time? Different people get motivated by different things. What motivates you may not be the same that motivates your friend. Some get motivated by positive thoughts, while for some others enjoyment is a motivating factor. Some get motivated if they are made to feel important while some others get motivated by success. To some people personal benefit is a motivating factor while to some others clarity of purpose is motivating. What is it that motivates you? Think about it. Perhaps it is a combination of many factors.
Here are some things that you can do to motivate yourself:-
· Whenever you attain any goal, however small, advertise your success to all and sundry. Thank everyone who has played any role in this success. Talk positively about yourself and all your endeavors. Also compliment others on their success.
· Write down all the things that you enjoy doing. Whenever possible do the tasks that you enjoy. Build enjoyable activities around your primary goal in life. Celebrate when you succeed, by treating your friends to coffee or lunch. Smile more often. Your enjoyment is contagious. Show happiness when others succeed.
· Listen to people but form your own opinion about everything. Take credit for your ideas while giving credit to others for their ideas.
· Set clear, reasonable goals for yourself. Understand what these goals mean to you and your life.
· Identify how you can gain from any activity that you undertake. State this gain clearly to yourself. Monitor your success. Evaluate your level of success. If you do not succeed, question yourself, ‘Why’, so that you would know what to do next time in order to succeed.
· Plan your activities and your communications. Be clear about what you write and what you say. Be clear in both: your thoughts and your speech.
Once you are truly motivated, no one will need to prod you or nag you. You will enthusiastically carry out all your tasks. Ultimately you will learn more and grow faster. But be careful not to force your own motivational preferences on others. Remember, each one of us has our own motivational hot spots!!

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