Friday, October 30, 2009

Transform your Consciousness to Succeed in Life

Have you ever wondered how a failure-consciousness is created and what you can do to move out of it? Most of the times we remain failure conscious, because of our over-entanglement in the material world! Everything reminds us of our inability to ‘afford’ it. This idea of perpetual lack makes us conscious of the fact that perhaps we are failures in this world!! These thoughts also release stress chemicals into our brain, making us feel fearful of future. The more we fall into this trap of ‘not enough of successes’; the more we start thinking negatively. These thoughts create mini panic attacks in our consciousness; eventually we end up becoming a failure in whatsoever we undertake. These ‘loser’ thoughts in our body-mind deplete our energy, creating ‘failure-attacks’ in our inner world, which eventually manifest in our outer world!

Do you really want to remain entrapped in this cyclical experience? Surely not! This experience makes you certain of one thing, which translates as ‘I do not want any more of this experience.’ So, what is it that you ‘do’ want? If you just focus your awareness away from failure to success; your problem can be solved.

Buddha said, ‘We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make our world.’ Do these statements ring true for you? Suppose you were to put all your attention on feelings of acceptance and gratitude for all your successes, big or small, where will that take you? Some chemicals will be released in your brain that will make you feel positive, and you will feel this positivity throughout your body. If you do this regularly, more of these ‘feel good’ chemicals will be produced, making you happier by the day. This inner vibration of happiness will attract ‘success’ towards you in all its myriad forms, such as admission in a good college, a higher paying job, great relationships etc.

Learn to measure your success only upon the quality and quantity of ‘feel good’ feelings you are experiencing. Success is a relative word. Besides, it is not a destination; it is only a journey. It is a continuous process. It is impermanent. You are only as successful as your present assignment. Right now, you measure your success upon clearing CAT, J-MET, or XAT etc. Then your success will be measured upon getting a call from some good institute; then upon converting that call into a seat; then doing well in your course and bagging a good placement; after that it will be measured upon your climb up the corporate ladder. Someone has rightly called it a rat-race. Even if you were winning this race, you are still a rat; and you have to keep running as long as the other rats are running. When does this ever end?

Well, it ends the day you start measuring your success upon the quality and quantity of your ‘feel-good’ feelings! The true permanent state of success can only come from within.

Appreciating each success on your path and being grateful for it is the fastest route to getting there. There are many successful people on this planet, who do not ‘feel’ successful and are continuously striving to achieve more. Even though they have all the trappings of success, they actually remain entrapped in ‘failure-consciousness’. Do you get my point?

Being grateful for your daily successes is the easiest way to end failures forever. When your success is measured by how deeply you feel successful and how often you visit this feeling, your success experience becomes a permanent feature in your psyche.

Now that you have understood the secret to being successful; pay attention to your current beliefs regarding success and failure. More often than not our hidden beliefs run our lives from behind the scenes. If you think that you need to work ‘harder’ in order to be successful, then that is exactly what you will create in your life!

Go deep within you. Examine your beliefs. What beliefs are lurking there that make you struggle more, work harder, remain stressful, and feel like a failure all the time? These beliefs are creating your reality. You can change these beliefs anytime that you want to, and choose empowering success beliefs. Remember that your mind is creative. Use its powers to create success in your life. Explore every aspect of your being; understand yourself. This understanding facilitates your growth and evolution. Life is not a problem to overcome, but rather something to enjoy! Appreciate, love, respect, and accept life.

The golden rule of life is that whatever you put your attention upon expands in your life. So focus upon your successes and do not dwell upon your so-called failures. Doing so will uplift your vibrations and your mood. You will open up to more success in your experience. The ‘success’ that you are missing is actually hidden behind your ‘failure consciousness’. Your focus on failure is making ‘true’ success elude you.

Be willing and open to trying out this new understanding. You have the power to transform your failure consciousness into a success consciousness. Consider your failures as your teachers, and learn from each experience. Go ahead; make a list of all your failures, no matter what they are. Go through them one by one. Let go of the feeling of how you had wished the outcome to actually be. What did each experience teach you? Make a list of all these learnings. See how your life has been enriched by all these learnings.

Now make a list of all your successes, however small they feel to you. How do you feel thinking about them? Appreciate yourself for these successes. Enjoy the feeling of achievement. Spend sometime re-living those successful moments. Remember, whatever you focus upon grows in your life! Think thoughts such as, ‘Thank you God for my successes.’ ‘I am successful.’ ‘I have it in me.’ ‘I can do it and I will do it.’ ‘I can count on myself.’ These thoughts will make you feel confident about success.

Think successful thoughts, and EXPECT success!!

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Develop your Social Skills

Developing social skills is as important as developing professional skills if we want to become well rounded individuals. These skills not only help us in our personal sphere but also play a great role in our work/study space. In fact possessing these skills is an important pre-requisite for developing self confidence.
Generally the social skills difficulties become apparent during adolescence. The same child who had happily played along with other kids suddenly starts feeling isolated. S/he can’t seem to strike friendships any more. This happens because of the changed social interaction requirements of teenagers. As a kid, all s/he had to do was take turn at certain games; but as one grows up, one needs to take into consideration a lot more than that.
As an adolescent and an adult you need to be able to grasp both verbal and non-verbal cues. You need to distinguish between literal and non-literal language. While most of us manage to make this transition, it doesn’t come easily to some of us. The worst part is that the world around us takes these skills for granted. We are just supposed to know all this as we grow up. This pressure makes some of us to give up trying and become introverts.
These introverts want to make friends and have an active social life, but they don’t know how to go about it. They fear being ridiculed or worse still, ignored. They are the ones who most often get bullied; at home, school, college and work. They are labeled as ‘weirdo’. Unfortunately when we are labeled as such, we tend to live up to these labels. Labeling people is the worst thing we can do to them.
Parents, teachers and peers just wonder, ‘why doesn’t this guy just get it?’ No one realizes that such people are suffering. Unless they are helped, the consequences can be devastating. Socially recluse people suffer from anxiety, depression, substance abuse and social isolation.
If you are one such person who feels socially isolated, you could try the following
Smile more often. Try smiling at everyone you meet.
Learn to offer help wherever needed.
Become genuinely interested in people.
Learn to actually listen to what others are saying, and ask one or two questions that show that you have been listening.
Instead of asking, ‘what is in it for me?’ Ask, ‘what can I do for you?
Look at your strengths, instead of looking at your shortcomings.
Appreciate yourself and appreciate people. Yes, you will have to say it out loud and be genuine about it. You can easily find one good thing to appreciate in everyone you meet, including yourself.
Last but not the least, love and respect yourself for what you are.

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