Seven Steps to Success
Have you discovered the most powerful success technique on Earth as yet? Are you ready to take some steps that could change your life? Do you wish to enjoy success along with limitless energy? Are you interested in experiencing creative rushes? Do you want to think like a genius and solve problems quickly? Do you wish to double your ability to learn and release all stress in the process? All this may sound like some sales pitch to you. No, I am not selling anything. I am just asking you to follow some steps that I have been following with great satisfaction. It won’t cost you anything but a little attitudinal shift.
Someone rightly said that when life hands you lemons, make lemonade. So, in these uncertain times of worry and financial concerns, it makes sense to use all available tools to rise above any situation that life may have handed you. Let us look at these tools now.
Don’t make your heart ‘set’ upon something: - When you set your heart upon achieving something, you are opening yourself to a probable upset. On the other hand, if you stay ‘open’, you release the desire to control those things over which you have no control whatsoever. Then you just concentrate on doing your best and letting go of the result. Isn’t this what Lord Krishna propagated in Gita? It is time to revisit this timeless wisdom. As you release your fixed expectations from yourself, you can breathe a sigh of relief. ‘Unknown’ is a great territory. Once we ready ourselves to explore it, we discover some powerful aspects of ourselves that we didn’t know existed. Yes, we are more powerful than we give ourselves credit for. When you push through your fears, you are ready to explore and use this incredible power that is available to you.
Stop ‘hoping’, start ‘wondering’: -Watch your words. How often do you use the words, ‘I hope’. If you are like most people, these words form a regular part of your vocabulary. Now, whenever you want to say, ‘I hope’, replace the words with ‘I wonder’. Instead of saying, ‘I hope I clear the CAT’, say, ‘I wonder if I will clear the CAT.’ Speak these two sentences out aloud; verbalize them. Feel the difference in their energy vibrations. The second sentence is definitely more positive. While uttering the first sentence, you are part of the drama, but when you vocalize the second sentence, you have detached yourself from the outcome. (Gita, anyone?) It is like watching a good play and wondering what comes next. Hopes have a chance of getting dashed but wonder is another ballgame. It opens up new possibility of growing and learning, whatever the outcome may be.
Trust: - Once you realize that you do not have much control over what happens in your external circumstances, you are left with just two choices. You can think of yourself as a poor little thing, a victim at the mercy of outer events or you can choose to develop trust in your innate capabilities. You can choose to think that come what may, you will take the best from all situations; trusting yourself and the Universe. One easy way to develop trust in life is by deliberately shutting off negativity in any form. If you repeat the mantra, ‘Whatever happens in my life, I can handle it’ as often as you can; you will eventually believe in it. And if you really believe in your own capability to handle everything in your life, nothing can deter you from your path. In future, whenever you are bogged down by any ‘what ifs’, go ahead and chant this mantra. You will feel powerful, confident, and peaceful.
Role models: - Do you have any role models? People who have achieved success against all odds? Look for such heroes in your environment or your history books, and then tell yourself, ‘If they could do it, why can’t I?’ Yes, if others can learn and grow from their experiences, so can you. You can learn and find strength from anything that you do in your life. The trick lies in seeing all situations in life as a means of learning and growing. Once you release your need to experience things in a certain way, you can learn from any thing that happens to you. All situations carry inherent learning opportunities. Just embrace the situation and find the gift.
Affirm: - Affirmations play a great part in our growth process. One of my all time favorite affirmation is, ‘Everything is perfect the way it is.’ You see, the fact is that at any given time we cannot see the larger picture; the ‘grand design’. The whole picture is a mystery until it is revealed to us, and that happens only in retrospect. We look at our past and exclaim, thank God this did or didn’t happen at that time! When we affirm that it is all happening perfectly, we begin looking for ‘good’ in every life situation. And the truth is that whatever we look for, we find it. Sometimes we can find a great deal of good in a most hopeless situation.
Focus on success: - While going through the rigmarole of our daily existence, there is a lot that we take for granted. From now onwards please start taking note of your little successes. In my workshops, I ask all participants to make a ‘win list’ at night. This win list includes all the things that you know you are going to do the next day. Simple things such as getting up, wearing slippers, going to the bathroom, brushing your teeth, bathing etc, are part of a win list. All you need to do is that after performing each task on your list you just tick it. It is something like a ‘to do’ list but unlike the ‘to do’ list, ‘win list’ contains all those chores that you are certain of doing, so there is no scope for failure. It may sound like a simple tool, but it is very powerful. With each ‘tick’ your brain registers a ‘win’. It gets used to appreciating your successes. By noticing these small successes, life becomes successful. Remember, being successful is a habit.
Take positive actions: - As we get involved and take positive action, we re-affirm our faith in ourselves. Ask yourself, ‘What must I do now?’ Make a list of all that comes to mind. Do not censor anything. And then immediately begin to take action. At the end of it you will feel powerful and successful.
So, live these secrets to creating a fulfilled life and EXPECT success!!
Advanc’edge MBA, April 2009.
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