Newspapers prepare you for CAT
As a CAT aspirant there is one advice that you consistently hear from all and sundry; and that is about reading newspapers regularly. Whether anyone has any idea about CAT or not, s/he knows that reading a newspaper is very important for clearing any competitive exam.
The basic idea behind this advice is that you need to stay abreast with the happenings in local, regional, national and international arenas. But besides all this, what makes reading the newspaper absolutely essential is ------ the default benefit of developing our Reading Comprehension and Reasoning Ability skills.
Francis Bacon once wrote, ‘Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.’ A good newspaper does all these. It plays wonders as far as promotion of reading skills is concerned. The poorest reader can find ideas from pictures, captions and advertisements that add to his knowledge of the world and make it possible to bring his reading experience into play. Superior readers find an unlimited ceiling in the newspaper; columnists and editorials offer ideas that are provocative and challenging. In developing mature readers the newspaper has great potential.
Let’s examine how you can use the humble newspaper to your advantage.
Use the newspaper for increasing the Word Power
By the very nature of its language, the newspaper displays a vocabulary, which is simple, vital and yet commonplace; but you also come across a number of new and unfamiliar words. Circle these words. (On different days, you can choose a different page of the newspaper to do this exercise.) Consult a dictionary and note down the meanings of these circled words. You can initiate some interesting activities with these words ---
- Prepare vocabulary booklets. Arrange the words in alphabetic order; learn them and use them in conversation and writing wherever appropriate.
- Prepare vocabulary cards with the word on one side; and the dictionary meaning along with the newspaper sentence using the word, on the other side.
- Prepare word games by writing all the words that rhyme with a chosen word. To increase the fun you can use only those rhyming words that you can find in the newspaper. (I can hear some of you whining, ‘wish we had that much time to spare!’)
- Prepare word games using the synonyms and / or antonyms for a chosen word.
- Find one root word from your vocabulary booklet and make two more words, one using a prefix and the other using a suffix.
Use the newspaper for improving Eye-Span
A wider eye span helps in efficient reading. If you feed your eyes piecemeal, they in turn feed your mind piecemeal, and the result is a fragmentary thought pattern which is difficult to synthesize into an integrated whole.
Newspaper columns are so narrow that you can begin with reading each line with no more than two fixations. Gradually with little practice you will be able to read a newspaper line in just one fixation.
See the middle word of each line of the print, down the column. Train your eyes to activate your peripheral vision by seeing the words on either side, through the corners of your eyes. This may not be an easy exercise in the beginning but just 15 days of practice, for 10 minutes a day, will increase your eye span.
Use the newspaper for increasing your reading speed
Make use of simple articles and interesting news items for increasing reading speed. Time your reading of a passage, and try to read the same passage in lesser time, next time.
Keep a check on lip movement and sub-vocalization. These habits hamper your reading speed.
Use the newspaper for learning Skimming and Scanning skills
Skimming is used for getting the bird’s eye view of the printed matter. You can get a comprehensive idea of a regular newspaper’s content in just 3 minutes. (This will be good news to all the souls short on time!) This can be done by skimming the front-page headlines, the main headings on the rest of the pages and a few relevant details in the body.
Scanning is done to locate some material quickly. You should use ‘the inverted-Pyramid approach’ for this. In a newspaper the heading follows a full sentence regarding the incident and then the details about it.
Use the newspaper to learn flexibility in reading
Flexibility in reading can be achieved by shifting gears constantly. You should vary your reading speed according to the purpose at hand.
- ‘Skimming’ is the fastest rate of reading. It includes reading selectively for specific purposes such as finding a reference, locating material or reviewing material already read. While skimming, it may be desirous at times to skip material or slow down to other rates.
- ‘Rapid reading’ is the rate at which material is read for pleasure or relaxation. Familiar material is reviewed and information is obtained for temporary use.
- A ‘normal rate’ is used to find answers to specific questions, to solve a problem, or to read material of average difficulty.
- To master the main idea and pertinent details a ‘careful rate’ of reading is used. At this slow rate material can be evaluated; details in sequence can be noted, outlined and summarised. Material with unusual vocabulary or style needs to be read carefully
Use the newspaper for Critical Reading
Cartoons make good material for critical reading. You can initiate an interesting debate in determining why a cartoonist expressed himself in the way he did.
An editorial page is an excellent place to try to discern the motive behind the writing. The editorial writer’s aim may be to convince, to interpret, to inform, or to amuse. At times he may just comment on the weather or a holiday. Most of the well-written editorials always present a rational argument. Their arguments begin with certain premises, consider the relevant facts and draw the conclusions that seem logically to follow.
However, there are pros and cons for most topics and room for different opinions. You should be able to distinguish facts from opinions; classify ideas; compare and contrast views; see cause and effect relationships; draw conclusions and weigh validity of facts & generalizations.
Comprehension skills are improved when you read regularly and extensively.
So what are you waiting for? Use the news, go grab a newspaper!
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